Information for Families

Merit System

To be eligible for the spring trip, students must earn 8 full merits by Spring Break.





Concert Attire

If a freshman, sophomore, or new to the orchestra, please pay the $100 fee for concert attire.

You can choose to pay in one of three ways:

Communication Channels

Skyward:  information sent out by Jon Hansen and Juli Enzinger

  - sent to all parents of students enrolled in orchestra classes

Booster president email list (Mailchimp) signup:

  - emails sent to all subscribers by the booster organization president


  - HYP (Hoosier Youth Philharmonic) ~ News & Events 

Year Long Event Calendar


CALENDAR 2022-23


Things change, and changes are all the more likely this year!  For the most updated information, always consult/double-check the official HYP calendar on our website:


*Please note:  items in bold are required rehearsals and/or performances.  Restaurant nights and other events will be added as they become available.  North=North High School; South=South High School.



T 8/9      HYP Welcome Dessert                    7:00 PM                 South Cafeteria

M 8/15   HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         North Orchestra Room

Sa 8/20   HYP Car Wash                 9:30 AM-2:30 PM   Southgate Shopping Plaza

M 8/22   North Gold Class only Open House  5:30-6:00 PM       North Commons Area

W 8/24   South only Open House                 6:30-7:00 PM         South Atrium



W 9/7     HYP Rehearsal in Concert Attire 7:00-9:00 PM    South Orchestra Room

M 9/12   HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         North Orchestra Room

T  9/13&14 SnapRaise Fund Raiser begins           



Sa 10/1   HYP Picnic                 12:00-3:00 pm       Lower Cascades Waterfall

M 10/3   HYP Rehearsal for Fall Concert       3:30-5:00 PM         North Auditorium

W 10/5   HYP Fall Concert                            7:00 PM                North Auditorium

F 10/7    HYP Trip Parent Meeting                7:00 PM                 North Auditorium

M 10/10 HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         North Orchestra Room



W 11/2   HYP Night of Dance Rehearsal        3:30-5:30 PM         North Auditorium

F   11/4   HYP Night of Dance                           7:00 PM                North Commons

M 11/7   HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         North Orchestra Room

T   11/15 Deadline for ISSMA Solo/Ensemble Entries



M 12/5   HYP Holiday Concert Rehearsal      3:30-5:00 PM         South Auditorium

T  12/6   HYP Holiday Concert                          7:00 PM                South Auditorium

M 12/12 HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         North Orchestra Room



M 1/9     HYP String Spectacular Rehearsal   3:30-4:30 PM         North Auditorium

Tu 1/10  String Spectacular Concert             7:00 PM                North Main Gym

M 1/23   HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         South Orchestra Room

Sa 1/28   ISSMA District Solo/Ensemble         All Day                   North High School



TBD        Two Days (1 North Orch and 1 South Orch) Run Outs to Elem Schools  TBD

F 2/10     HYP Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser    5:00-7:00 p.m.       South Cafeteria

M 2/13   HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         South Orchestra Room

Sa 2/25   ISSMA State Solo/Ensemble            All Day                   Indianapolis     



M 3/6     HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         South Orchestra Room

W 3/22   HYP Trip  (3/22 pm-3/26 pm)                                           depart from BHSS



M  4/3    HYP Parent Booster Meeting          7:00-8:30 PM         South Orchestra Room

TBD        South only Fine Arts Night (ensemble) TBA                       South Atrium

TBD        North only Evening of Arts (ensemble) TBA                      North Library

4/21 or 22  ISSMA Organizational Competition TBA                       TBA



M 5/1     BHSS only Senior Honor Night        6:30-7:00 PM         South Stage

TBD        Evening of the Stars (ensemble)      5:30-8:00 PM         Convention Center

M 5/8     HYP Rehearsal                               3:30-5:00               South Auditorium

Tu 5/9    HYP Night of Musical Celebration   7:00 PM                South Auditorium

Sa 5/27??   BHSS only HS Graduation               TBD                       South Purple gym